
Now that my cancer has resurfaced and has been deemed incurable, I’ve made this blog public, with a few exceptions of individual posts that discuss legal matters or show graphic pictures. Anyone who knows me understands the degree of privacy i typically require, and sharing this much information with people will be quite the challenge … but I don’t have a lot of time left, and this information might help someone down the road.

I need to document this.  I need to do it for myself, to process all that unfolds as I battle this war on my body.  I need to do it for my loved ones, who (with the best of intentions) want ongoing updates.  I need to do it for womyn i will likely never even meet, womyn who will end up having their own cancer experience and may seek out anecdotes in an effort to help guide themselves through their own painful journeys.

1.  You’ll be able to find my most recent posts are there on the right side of this page or at the very bottom of this page, depending whether you’re using a mobile device or computer.

2.  Additional blogs can be found by clicking “Archives,” also on the right side and towards the bottom of the main page.

3.  If a blog title has both a date and words, that means i wrote an entry for that day.  If a blog title has just a date, that means i need to go back and write an entry for that particular day, but i have not yet done so.  Those blank entries may have pictures available – just not a written blog.

44 thoughts on “BreastCancerAt35”

  1. I am grateful to be able to walk along this path with you! I am proud of your bravery and only wish that I had the strength that I see in you! I love you like one of my own and appreciate that you will let me!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha
    A prayer to the celestial physician.
    It is a tradition for women to chant this mantra while preparing food or to infuse this healing energy into what may be entering their body as a source of healing energy. This mantra will lead you to follow your own personal journey healing the body. What ever method that may be, may it be manifested into full form. With all my love to you sister… 💜💗💚 lorean

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi love,

    My apologies for taking a couple of days to sign up. But I want to thank you for allowing me to witness your journey through this. I’m sending you illuminous energy and love as you are constantly in my thoughts.


  4. Hey kiddo.
    Lots of people leaving a lot of wonderful thoughts your way. And to think you used to believe very few cared. Silly girl.
    Whatever you need just ask. I probably will not do it but feel free to ask😜.


  5. Here for you, here with you. Thank you for allowing me into a very special group of family and friends. I respect, admire and adore you. The title from the song sung in the movie ” Toy Story Sims it up best ” You Gotta Friend In Me”.


  6. Thank you for including me in your journey. I hope you know how much help you have been as I battle my own cancer. You are a true friend.


  7. Tarah, I am so very proud of you ! I admire your inner strength, I love you!! My other daughter…… 💕💋💕
    Mamma P !!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Sending love to you!
    You are amazing and so strong…
    We have never met face to face, but I SEE your light each time we connect..
    You glow so brightly and I thank YOU…❤


  9. It’s Your Uncle Jerk, dam it I mean Jack, love you,Had Hernia Surgery was asking for the six pack abs, but it’s not looking good, had three Hernias in my abdomen sitting home with a ice pack and bottle oxycodone, it was one day my ass is sore,I understand the enema have had a few in my day,will be a lot, got lots of time to bond with you, To sore to do much today, Got the commercial Staples, The Doctor is tops in his field, still a little disappointed about abs Would settled for4 pack even a 2 pack Again Love You, Looking for a Stick Shift Wrangler for your next visit,drugs are kicking, Talk to you in the Morning

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Hey Kiddo, my Spanish is a bad as yours, I worked at a bakery where most of the help spoke Spanish and I took it in school, Catching up on reading, I know I am reading from to back,Gives me a chance to find out and you do have a way with words with the definition and details of your day to day struggles.
    Love You Always, read some more, write some more

    Liked by 1 person

  11. If I could tell the world one thing about you, it would be I’m okay, and not to worry cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these. I won’t be made useless . I won’t be idle with despair, I will gather myself around my faith, light does the darkness fear. love you Tarah and all ways will.


  12. No i was looking at some quotes to fight off all the craziness, and it just fit. I love your little kitty, every where you go you give love, well you are loved back.😘


  13. Our thoughts and prayers are with you 24-7. Praying that the treatments are working and you are feeling better.Anxious to see you when you get home. Doing all we can on this end, and praying the doctors get this once and for all. Love you bunches. see you in a couple weeks.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Tarah
    I love and miss you tons! I hope you are doing ok? I’m praying for you that you get better so we can do game nights. Please let me know if you need anything. I think of you often. Love you!

    Liked by 2 people

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